Careers in OSINT

Have you ever wondered what jobs require OSINT skills? What are careers in OSINT and how to start? OSINT is present in various domains, helping public and private sector to make informed decisions. It is worth noting that OSINT itself is not a career, it’s a set of skills. Various professions use it to a different degree.

Job descriptions are simplified, for more details read our interviews (we don't have many now, but will add more over time).

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity Analysts monitor IT infrastructure for suspicious activities and respond to incidents. They plan and implement changes to secure the network, and protect information using firewalls and data encryption. In addition, they implement technical controls that are needed for regulatory requirements.

Cybersecurity Analysts use OSINT to collect public information on threats, vulnerabilities, and attack methods. They monitor forums, social media, and databases for signs of breaches and exposed assets. This helps them proactively identify risks and enhance security defences.

Threat Intelligence Analyst

Threat Intelligence Analysts gather insights from analysing potential and current cyber threats. It allows them to prevent or mitigate them. They collect information about tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by threat actors. Analysts also track indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and known vulnerabilities. They gather the latest data and cyber threat trends to better understand what threats they should focus on.

Threat intelligence Analysts collect and analyse data with the help of OSINT. They often analyse social media and the DarkWeb to identify the next steps of threat actors. Threat Intelligence is all about preparation and understanding your enemy, and OSINT plays crucial part in it. 

Threat Hunter

Threat Hunters proactively search for, identity, and isolate cyber threats that evade security solutions. Instead of waiting for an alert, they actively seeking for hidden threats within the network. When incidents happens they figure out what happened and how to prevent it from happening again.

OSINT helps to better understand adversaries. Threat Hunters use OSINT to validate and enrich suspicious activity detected by internal systems, helping to confirm whether it's part of a known attack pattern. The also use OSINT to uncover potential attack vectors that may have been used in similar incidents.

Ethical Hacker

Ethical hackers look for weaknesses in organisations that might be exploited by malicious hackers. They use all hacking techniques to identify security flaws and vulnerabilities in a system. Ethical hackers utilise anything from network scans, breaching physical security, to calling company employees to con them into revealing passwords.

The first step of hacking is reconnaissance, meaning the research of the target environment. Large part of it is OSINT. Ethical Hackers use OSINT to identify potential weaknesses and craft phishing attacks.

Penetration Tester

Penetration testing is a subtype of Ethical Hacking. However, Penetration testers (pentesters) look for a specific vulnerability in a cyber environment. They simulate attacks to cover and address vulnerabilities. Such engagements are usually defined in scope, more narrow, and result in a written report. 

Pentesters use OSINT to gather information about the target organisation. They search for employee details, network infrastructure, and exposed devices. OSINT allows them to craft more effective attacks and simulate real-world threats during the penetration test.

Digital Forensics Analyst

Digital Forensic Analysts collect and preserve digital evidence. They examine this data to uncover hidden information, patterns, and anomalies. Finally, they document their findings and may provide expert testimony in legal proceedings.

Digital Forensic Analysts use OSINT to gather preliminary information about suspects or targets, building a broader picture of their online activities. They can verify evidence found on seized devices with publicly available data, strengthening their case.

Cybercrime Investigator

Cybercrime Investigators are responsible for investigating digital crimes. They collect and analyse digital evidence (logs, network traffic, etc.) to identify cybercriminals and build cases for prosecution.

Cybercrime Investigators use OSINT for attribution. Criminals leave emails, IPs and other identifiers that help investigators to attribute those to a real person. They also use OSINT in conjunction with internal law enforcement databases to create a more complete picture. Basically, OSINT helps them to tie crimes to groups and individuals.

Investigative Journalist

Investigative journalists are responsible for uncovering and reporting on complex, often hidden issues of public interest. They conduct thorough research, including interviews, document analysis, and sometimes undercover work, to gather evidence and verify facts.

OSINT broadens the area of investigations in the digital space. Journalists access public records, social media accounts, and more. OSINT empowers journalists to dig deeper, verify sources, and uncover stories.

Academic Researcher

Academic Researchers conduct in-depth studies on specific topics. They gather and analyse data to contribute new knowledge to their field. The end goal of their research is to advance understanding in a particular field, address specific problems, or contribute to informed decision-making. 

OSINT can be used by researchers to gather data on a range of topics, including social trends, public opinion, and economic indicators. This information helps them to enhance the depth of their analysis. By leveraging OSINT, researchers can access a broader range of data that might not be available through traditional research methods, enriching their findings.

Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents help clients buy, sell, or rent properties by providing expert guidance and market knowledge. They handle tasks such as listing properties, conducting showings, negotiating deals, and preparing contracts. Additionally, they assist clients with legal requirements and ensure smooth transactions.

OSINT helps real estate agents by providing insights into property values, neighbourhood trends, and potential risks. It helps to research crime rates and investigate previous tenants. It allows them to gather information on market conditions and competitor listings, helping to price properties accurately.


Recruiters find, attract, and evaluate potential candidates for job openings within an organisation. They manage the hiring process from posting job advertisements and sourcing candidates to conducting interviews. Recruiters also play a key role in assessing candidates' qualifications and negotiating job offers.

OSINT and recruiting are closely related, as it helps in finding candidates. Recruiters investigate online profiles, professional history, and reputation of candidates. OSINT supports credential verification, background checks, and assessment of cultural fit. Using OSINT recruiters save significant time and resources.

AML Analyst

AML Analysts monitor financial transactions to detect suspicious activities that might indicate money laundering, terrorist financing or other financial crimes. They analyse data, prepare reports, and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

AML Analysts use OSINT to investigate if people are committing fraud. OSINT helps them to detect emerging risks and trends that may indicate suspicious activity. This broader perspective enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of their investigations and risk assessments.

Due Diligence Analyst

Due Diligence Analysts investigate potential business partners, clients, or investments to assess risks, verify information, and ensure compliance. They analyse financial records, legal documents, and operational details to uncover any red flags or discrepancies. 

OSINT helps Due Diligence Analysts by providing access to a wide range of publicly available information that can uncover hidden risks or discrepancies in a potential deal. It assists in verifying the background and reputation of individuals or companies.

Debt Collector 

Debt Collectors contact individuals or businesses to recover overdue payments on behalf of creditors. They negotiate repayment plans, keep detailed records of collection efforts, and ensure compliance. Additionally, they may locate debtors who have moved or changed contact information to facilitate successful debt recovery.

OSINT helps Debt Collectors by providing information on a debtor's current location, contact details, and financial status, which may not be available through traditional channels. It allows them to track down individuals who have moved or are avoiding contact. Additionally, OSINT can reveal assets or employment details that assist in determining a debtor's ability to repay.

Executive Protection Agent

Executive Protection ensure the safety and security of high-profile individuals, such as executives or VIPs. They identify and mitigating potential threats. They plan and implement protective measures, including secure transportation, route planning, and close protection during public appearances.

OSINT helps Executive Protection professionals by providing valuable intelligence on potential threats, such as identifying individuals or groups that may pose risks to their clients. It allows them to monitor online activities, social media, and news for emerging dangers or changes in risk levels. This information supports proactive planning and enhances the overall security strategy for protecting high-profile individuals.

Private Investigator

Private Investigators (PIs) conduct investigations to gather information on various matters, such as legal cases, fraud, or missing persons. They collect evidence through surveillance, interviews, and research, often working on behalf of clients like law firms or individuals. Additionally, PIs compile detailed reports and may testify in court to support their findings.

OSINT helps with cross-referencing information with multiple sources to unsure accuracy. OSINT is useful for background checks (debts, criminal records, etc.), fraud investigations, litigation cases and many others were investigators need information to support their case. 

Skip Tracer

Skip tracing is a specialised investigative technique used to locate individuals who have intentionally or unintentionally disappeared. These individuals, known as “skips,” may have changed their identities, addresses, or contact information. Skip tracers employ a variety of tools, techniques, and skills to track down these individuals.

Skip tracers use OSINT to locate individuals by gathering and analysing publicly available information, such as social media profiles, public records, and online databases. They compile data from various sources to piece together the target's location. By leveraging OSINT, skip tracers efficiently track down people who are otherwise difficult to find.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Business analysts collect and analyse data to identify trends and patterns that inform future business decisions. Their duties include complex data modelling, designing data analysis methodologies and compiling reports to present to senior management.

OSINT helps Business Intelligence Analysts by providing access to a wide range of publicly available data, enabling them to gather insights on market trends, competitors, and industry developments. This information supports data-driven decision-making and helps identify opportunities and risks in the business environment.

Insurance Agent

Insurance Agents sell and manage insurance policies on behalf of an insurance company. Their duties include attracting new clients and answering their questions, helping clients choose the best policy and taking care of all legal requirements.

OSINT helps insurance agents by providing valuable insights into a client's background, such as verifying claims, assessing risks, and detecting potential fraud through publicly available information. It allows agents to cross-check social media, news reports, and other open sources to validate the accuracy of claims or identify discrepancies.

Brand Protection Analyst 

Brand Protection Analysts monitor and identify unauthorised use of a company's brand, such as counterfeit products, trademark infringements, and online brand abuse. They analyse data from various sources, including websites, social media, and marketplaces, to detect and report potential threats. They collaborate with legal team and create brand protection strategies.

OSINT helps Brand Protection Analysts to gather and analyse data to identify instances of brand misuse. Such as counterfeit products or trademark infringements. It allows them to monitor online platforms, social media, and marketplaces for unauthorised activities and track down infringers.

Risk Manager

Risk Managers identify, assess, and prioritise risks that could impact an organisation. It can involve financial, operational, legal, or strategic threats. They develop and implement risk management strategies to ensure the organisation's resilience and continuity.

OSINT helps Risk Managers by providing valuable data from public sources to identify and assess emerging risks, such as geopolitical changes, market trends, or cybersecurity threats. It allows them to monitor news, social media, and industry reports to stay informed about potential risks that could impact the organisation.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers are responsible for maintaining public safety and order by enforcing laws, preventing and investigating crimes, and arresting offenders. They also work to protect individuals' rights and ensure that justice is served through the legal system.

Law enforcement use OSINT to gather publicly available information for investigations, such as analysing social media and public records. It helps in assessing threats, understanding ongoing events, and locating missing persons by providing valuable insights and context. OSINT also aids in preventing crime by identifying emerging risks and tracking criminal activities.

Government Intelligence

Government intelligence agents gather, analyse, and act on classified or sensitive information to support national security and defense. They use a wide spectrum of intelligence sources such as human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and other methods to provide situational awareness and strategic insights.

OSINT helps government intelligence agents by providing additional layers of information from publicly available sources that can complement classified intelligence. It enhances situational awareness by offering real-time insights into emerging threats and trends from social media, news, and other open sources. 

Military Intelligence

Military intelligence agent assess and analyse potential threats to national security and military operations. They provide crucial support for strategic and tactical planning by gathering and interpreting information on enemy movements and capabilities. Additionally, military intelligence agents perform counterintelligence efforts to prevent espionage and protect sensitive information.

OSINT provide military intelligence agents insights which can complement and enhance classified data. It aids in identifying emerging threats and monitoring adversary activities. Thus, it improves strategic and tactical decision-making. Additionally, OSINT helps validate other intelligence sources, creating a comprehensive view of the environment.

OSINT Analyst

OSINT Analysts focus on analysing information available to the public. They provide actionable insights that support intelligence efforts. They help to understand threats and trends by integrating publicly accessible data with other intelligence sources. OSINT Analysts work in both the private and public sectors.

OSINT helps analysts make better decisions by providing a broad range of publicly available information. They integrate diverse sources such as social media, news, and online databases. Thus, analysts can identify emerging trends, validate other intelligence, and gain a more comprehensive view of threats or opportunities.

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